Monday, 3 April 2017


Photography - Lindé Davies
Photography - Lindé Davies
Photography - Lindé Davies
Photography - Lindé Davies
Photography - Lindé Davies
Photography - Lindé Davies
Photography - Lindé Davies
Photography - Lindé Davies

Sometimes I can get a bit stuck - stuck in my routines - and the commute to and from work that tire us out
Sometimes between the everyday comings and goings we get so stuck, we often forget to really live....

To take a step outside, to look at the world with new eyes, with fresh wonder - and realise what a truly magnificent thing it is to be alive here - right now....

On Sunday it was just one of those perfect days for wondering around - camera in hand - I felt like a tourist again, and my early years and memories of being new in London came rushing through.  
I love this time of year - springtime - the blossoms - the flowers and the promise of summer to come...  a few favourite pics I'm sharing with you here

Photo's by me

Saturday, 1 April 2017


Stumbled upon this delightful project some time ago - I love how inviting that minimal facade can still appear....  Love the whiteness and curious about what beautifully designed spaces will wait once you've entered through to the indoor spaces

Designed by KMA (Kabarowski Misiura Architekci) you will find this silent surprise house in the suburbs of Wroclaw

Images via KMA