Friday, 6 January 2012


I am finally knitting again!  Got some gorgeous 'kidsilk' yarn from Nest, a cozy little yarn shop a few minutes walk from my house.  The colour is a soft neutral beige/ mauve, and I am hoping to create something quite special from it.  I also bought a sparkly thread which I'm knitting into the wool...

Had some free time this afternoon and experimented a bit with my camera, and excited now to do some more.  These pictures were taken in our lounge - the knitted cushion is made by my housemate, a very creative industrial designer, Jan Rose.  He also designed and made the wooden bench with the felt cushion - and they are perfect props for me to use!

Here are a couple more photo's from today's shoot... Looking at them again on the big screen, I can see I have a very, very long way to go still.  But I will keep practicing and keep shooting...

Here's to all the wonderfully creative men and women, who style, and photograph and create amazingly inspiring imagery for us mere mortals to dream about, for us to blog and write about, and for inspiring us to reach for our dreams and goals through our own uniqueness and creativity!

A big thank you to all!

ps: tomorrow I'll be back, bright and early - camera in hand and perhaps you'll see some improved versions of the above, lets hope so forsure!

1 comment:

  1. me too! just started this weekend, but going simple with a scarf x
