Wednesday, 6 July 2016
You guys - this is quite extraordinary .... and so much so that I just have to share it. I've just come to sit back down at my desk where I'm having my lunch; but as I was walking to the kitchen and then back again to the office - I just suddenly felt light again, and I felt excited again, and I felt like how I haven't felt in a very very VERY long time .... it almost felt like I have dropped a very heavy coat of armour that I have been carrying around with me unnecessarily for all this time.
And as I sat down I started browsing Pinterest, like I often do when I'm taking a break or a breather - and this post showed up in my feed - and I just felt like this is exactly EXACTLY how I am feeling right now.
I mean I do know, and I do realise that these feelings of happiness and contentment can be quite fleeting - but that is why I want to really capture and share this moment, so I can reflect back on it and relive it one way or another.
It's exciting though to think that one's mind can be such a powerful tool - to create such strong feelings of happiness and contentment, and yet also the darkness it can allow us to be surrounded it. The suffering, the struggles - often because of the choices we've made - and then the guilt because we beat ourselves up about these bad choices. And then on the other hand, sometimes we feel so stuck by our circumstances that we just DO NOT KNOW which way out....
I've been going through a lot of motions and emotions - a process - but I have chosen to make some changes too - to seek help for how I am feeling, because sometimes we just cannot do these things on our own. More to follow on that front as that in itself is a very interesting experience and a big healing one too.
But today - today I am feeling really good, like things are starting to click into place again - like where I have stepped off the path the universe had planned for me .... it now feels like it is slowly put surely starting to pull me back on track, and back in line with where I need to be, and with what I need to be doing....
So watch this space and more will follow real soon, even later on this evening .... as I have more to share indeed
Lots of love to you all
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