Wednesday, 23 September 2015


These stunning renders are by VrayWorld 
Anything I'd give today to sit in that patio and sip a cool cocktail while I'm waiting for my lunch to arrive....  This bar does actually exist and can be found in Ho Chi Minh City and was designed by fresh house

I could easily imagine that long bar as a kitchen counter in my dream home someday....
Lets keep dreaming, cause dreams sometimes to tend to come true!  But in that being said, its not about sitting around dreaming wild and weird and wonderful dreams - its about getting up, and showing up, and doing the work that will allow our dreams to come true.  I'm very aware of that... but by having an imagination, we can utilize that to help manifest our dreams into our reality, little by little day by day....

Images via edesignhome

Monday, 21 September 2015


We don't always have control over the things that happen to us, but we have control over how we choose to react.

In the mornings, even before we are fully awake, we can choose how we want to start the day.  Even before we open our eyes, let us put a smile on our face and wake up grateful for another day, grateful for the soul that abodes within us and grateful for the shell that is our bodies, that will carry our soul form place to place and from person to person.

Let us take good care of our soul and it will shine brightly through our shell of a human body, and it will create beautiful ripples of good vibrations.  Let us take good care of our bodies, so that it will be healthy and it can house our souls in the most splendid of ways.

And let us choose kindness, and love - and let us be kind to those close to us as much as we are kind to strangers.  And let us treat strangers with the same kindness we would like to have bestowed on us.

And sometimes when we feel the least inclined to be filled with love, those are the times we need to take a moment and choose love, choose life and let it sparkle


Image via Pinterest

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


I have always been dreaming of a Greek holiday - island hopping, wondering the cobbled streets and alleys, and underneath flower covered verandas ... swim in crystal clear beaches.  And my oh my, staying in one of the plenty beautiful hotels that I often swoon over from the distance of my computer screen.   But alas that beautiful country with its numerous islands are always just out of my reach.  I also think, in my minds eye I have always envisioned that I'll be going on holiday to Greece with a boyfriend, or partner, a relatively significant other - but as he is still nowhere to be seen or found (not that I'm looking, but I am keeping my eye on the horizon... so to speak) I guess I will just have to make some plans to venture into the great Grecian unknown on my solo

I don't mind travelling on my own actually - sometimes its really nice to share a trip with a friend and make some new memories together, but I also find that travelling solo opens one up to a much greater and more enriching experience.

So back to Greece - and look what I stumbled upon - a beautiful renovation of the boutique hotel “1864 The Sea Captain’s House” at Oia village in the island of Santorini.  Soothing interiors in crisp white, and white plastered walls follow the curves and shapes of the caves interior.   I do like the little alcoves and the smooth rounded edges and then even here or there where you have a sharp edge or corner detail - it feels less dramatic.

One for the bucket list eh?  Wow, and suddenly sleep is upon me, and I must say goodnight before I doze off ...  yawn.... sleep good night... x

Read more about the design of the Cave suites on Home Adore 
Photography by Paterakis Vangelis
Visit Patsios Architecture here
Images via caan design

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Oh life, and isn't it just so true... sometimes we hold on so tight, too tight, our fists clenched because we just cannot let go...

It could be silly little habits that's hard to let go of... or it could be an environment we are faced with .... or it can be someone toxic that we need to let go of, but oh its oh so hard.

I can only say this - listen, allow yourself some quiet time and listen to your soul and you will never be led astray.

I have recently had to let go of a work situation - and even though this comes at a price - I knew that I had made the right decision.  Having a couple of different studios I'm working for makes it quite difficult sometimes to find the balance - but I had to do it for me.  The very long hours, and the very long days just started to wear me down.  If something doesn't serve us anymore we also need to be courageous and let go.

And you know what, life has a way of working out - the way I see it is that by having faith, and taking a risk, and making space in our lives, or in our time or in our hearts - there is a little gap for life to surprise us with by filling it with something or someone wonderful and new.  

For me I need the time to focus on which direction I am heading in - both professionally and personally - and really in reality the 2 are now soon becoming one, which is kind of an ideal situation.  But I need to pay a bit more attention to my own personal projects, so I can get them off the ground.  But also to just have time, the luxury of time on my hands... oh what bliss that will be

So - take courage dear one, trust life just a little bit - but take time to be still - and don't rush into making a quick decision, because sometimes those aren't always the best times to think clearly....

And good luck - you deserve the very best of life - that life has to offer, and we need to be a little bit bold in going for what we believe in

Monday, 14 September 2015


Some beautiful images of a recently completed project - where Clayworks natural clay plaster finishes were used on the walls and ceilings in a luxury London loft apartment.  Where the interiors are beautifully eclectic, the clay plasters evoke a relaxing calmness and comfort - to soften the otherwise dramatic interiors.

And I quote .... 
'The owners of this luxury renovation in London were looking for a wall and ceiling finish with character, depth and presence to bring comfort into the vast, airy spaces of this stunning room.  

Clay plasters, with their natural ability to buffer acoustics, thermal variation and moisture - provided a breathtaking solution with not only natural beauty, but practical benefits. Added advantages are that being naturally pigmented, these difficult-to-access areas will never need painting and that the clay surface will eliminate glare.

The distinctive and sophisticated finish has been created using Clayworks White, Non-Mica Smooth Top Coat and was specified by specialist developers Evolve Production Services and applied by Clayworks’ lead plasterer Guy Valentine.'

We have some exciting projects on the go at the moment - but would love to hear from you should you have a project or a wall you'd like to discuss.  Feel free to visit the Clayworks website for plenty more natural clay inspiration where you'll also find my contact details.

Images via Clayworks

Sunday, 13 September 2015


Inspiring architectural animation by Hugo Reichmann

First spotted here:  the draftery

Via hr architecture

Friday, 11 September 2015


A selection of random yet interesting wall finishes - there's no real theme here... just the feeling of these walls being around since the beginning of time.... well almost!

Enjoy a lovely Friday - and hope it will lead into a fantastic weekend

Images via Pinterest.... 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


I love the beautiful and minimal feel of these chunks of concrete.... I'd like to have elements of all three images incorporated into my dream weekend getaway someday...

And that picture of the pigeon - that will be a must too.  My dad is a big racing pigeon fan/ fanatic! 

Images via pinterest

Monday, 7 September 2015


Beautiful warm wood kitchen inspiration from Dutch Studio Sijmen Interior .... from rural to modern they can create the perfect interior for you!

More swoon-worthy projects from their website

Images via Sijmen Interior

Sunday, 6 September 2015


I love what they've done with these tree trunk coffee tables!  Rustic eco chic what I'd like to call this...  and would definitely find a little space for one of these in my dream weekend get away one day... hopefully someday soon people, hopefully someday soon!

Enjoy this beautiful bright and fresh sunny day

Images via Pinterest

Saturday, 5 September 2015


Some of my favorite art and illustrations by the very talented Anahata Katkin... And I just have a few words to say before I end my day, and head off to the land of nod...

'love who you are'  and what does it really mean?  I think self love, and self acceptance is one of the most difficult things for us as a human race to not only accept - but then to practise on a daily basis.  If more of us allowed ourselves to love the true, the real, the raw - not the person we want the outside world to see.... but the real you and the real me that's been buried underneath all the should haves and would haves and maybes and what ifs....

What if there were no what ifs - what if we realise that this is the one and only real life, we don't get a dress rehearsal, we don't get a second chance at life. Because we don't know when the curtains will be drawn and our lives will come to an end.  A couple of weeks ago I got a message from my mum.  My cousin's son was killed in a bike accident and died at the age of 23.  Sadly I never got to know him, we never even met - but one thing I know is that this young man, in the prime of his life - lived a very full life and he touched so many lives with his abundant energy and lust for life, his laughter and his honesty in being true to who he was.  I think its that honesty that has drawn so many people to him, and that had touched so many lives in his very short life.  My heart goes out each and every time I see his sister post a message or his girlfriend or his mother or any of his friends... a true gent, a true gem - he is no longer with us, he has passed through this life, to his eternal life... where I am sure he is shining down on all those who still love him and miss him each and every day.

I cannot imagine the sadness and the loss - but one thing this has made me think about a lot is - how we live our lives, do we embrace each opportunity we have to make someones life more pleasant and happy, do we try and share positivity and light wherever we go?  Do we reach out even when we feel like our energies are so low we are not even functioning on reserves anymore ....

I want to live a grateful life, and I want to share the abundance of wonder and beauty that I stumble upon in the here and now - there is so much sadness and disasters we are faced with on a daily basis, a new crises, or yet another natural disaster - and it's not about turning a blind eye - because I very much understand and appreciate the day and age we are living in.  But I think now more than ever we need to focus on sharing the good news, we need to be encouraging to each other, and we need to live everyday not in fear of death, but in hope and in the knowing that this life we have, and the life we have led - that we have lived it full to the brim - we have explored all that there was in our being, we have lived out our purpose - we have found our gift - and we have shared that gift gracefully and gratefully.

Let us not be ashamed of any part of our humanness but let us celebrate in life, in this one magical, special gift and let us speak our truths and live our truths and let us love who we are, and let us love each other truthfully and abundantly.... peace out, love and light to each and every one of you!

Images via Anahata Katkin 

Friday, 4 September 2015


[eileen peters & mark wiesmayr's venice, ca home...the selby]

Image via Pinterest

Wednesday, 2 September 2015


This is the beautiful home of Monica Rusconi who runs fashion label album di famiglia with her siblings. A former 70 square meter commercial property has been lovingly turned into a bright and light family home now comfortably sitting over 2 floors, and a total of 140 square meters.
What I like.... perfect concrete floors in either grey or white.... check
A bit of exposed brick wall here and there..... check
Whitewashed brick walls in other areas ..... check
Lightness and brightness ..... check
The kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the outside courtyard terrace.... need I go on?  Needless to say the sofa and that concrete table top!

I'm always inspired by seeing beautiful and minimal yet homely homes like this one... and it stirs in me the desire to work harder delightfully, to work better gratefully and to every day focus my energies on being and staying positive - on being and staying kind - and on sharing the beauty of life and love all round....

First spotted via Pinterest

Images by Morten Holtum via  bo-bedre