Tuesday 20 January 2015


....life is short and there is still so much life to be lived, so much work to be done, so much journeying to explore.

As of tomorrow I will be joining the 5am club!  I read about it first on our most wonderful and inspiring Rolene Strauss, Miss World's facebook page - and then I also read about it on Robin Sharma's facebook page - and I'm thinking they must be onto something!

I have been meaning to get up at 5 am and my alarm goes off every morning at 5 - but getting up and getting out of bed is easier said than done.  But - alas - the time is now and I will log off and sign off and wish you all a good and restful sleep.

No crazy dreams to ignite the imagination, just blissful sleepy dreams, the kind you know you've had but don't remember when you awake.

Join me - for an early start - join me along with the rest of the 5 am club and lets go make some dreams come true!  Till the morning xx

Image:  Robin Sharma


  1. Not much of a club or group person, but this is a club worth joining. I love early mornings and I find my mood sooo much better when I don't wake up with everyone else or the early morning traffic. Enjoy the wake up

    1. Indeed! Its a tad chilly this part of the world at the moment, but it was lush and I will continue with my 5am starts regardless. So true, so much better to start the day when the energy out there is fresh and pure. Here's to some goodness and some more early starts x
